1. A dot moving in space creates a line.
2.When you connect a line back to itself then it becomes a shape.
3.From shape you get a form.
4.If you give shape debth it becomes 3D.
5.Forms have light and shadow.
6.Shapes are flat have height width and depth.
7.If you spin a triangle around it becomes a sphere. It has light and shadow.
8.A circle stacked with light and shadow will be a cylinder.
9.If you do the same to a square it would become a box.
10.If you give a flat circle depth it will become a sphere.



1} Blue, Red, and Yellow are called PRIMARY COLORS.
2}Ig you have the prmary colors plus black and white. You can mix  ALL the other colors.
3}Artist often place the primary colors on a circular design called the COLOR WHEEL.
5} On the color wheel, the SECONDARY COLOR will go between the primary colors from which they are mixed together.
6} Next add the secondary colors. Remeber they are each mixed from two primary colors.
7}All colors can be divided by warm and cool colors.
8}Colors are called or can be called different names.
9}Artist use warm and cool colors to describe there feelings.
10}Warm colors pop out at us and cool colors stay in the background. It catches our attention.
1. Shapes can be different things.
2.Organic shapes are like a werid shape.
3.There is geometric shapes: squares,triangles, pentagons, octagons. etc...
4.Shapes can have no pointsmany angles and sides.
5.septagon,nonagon,tentagons,and octagon are shapes with sides.
6. Geometric shapes have sides and angles.
7.Hybrid shapes.
8.Hybrid shapes are basically shapes but connect to organic shapes too.
9.Shapes can be what they want to be.
10.Thats what i know about shapes.
1. The path of a dot moving through space.
2.  Lines, can be horizontal, vertical, straight, or diagonal.
3. They are implied lines.
4.Lines, can also be curved.
5.Lines can be, smooth, jagged, & zigazag.
6.Shapes can be open or closed.
7.Dotted lines suggest more moving.
8.These lines help create action in the paintings amd the scenes.
9.Lines are alined.
10.Lines are many different types of creations.