1. Proportion refers to the relative size and scale of the various elements in a design. 
2. The relationship between objects, or parts, of whole.
3. The proportions of a private home are usually more in the scale with human measure, and as a result it appears more friendly, comfortable, less intimidating.
4.A surprising aspect of proportion can vary for the human body itself.
5. In the 17th century and many other periods, the ideal body was much heavier than we would accept today.
6. In the last 35 years, the ideal personified by the fashion model has fostered a standard which idealizes exceptionally slender proportions for a women.
7.Begginning  with the rise of televised football in the 1960's and the subsequent fitness boom, an increasingly exaggerated  muscular silhouette,, corresponding to that of the uniformed,padded football player was presented as the ultimate male form. 
8. In addition, artist frequently take liberties with the natural proportions of the human body to achieve their expressive goals.
9.Michaelangelo David, in which distortions of proportion are used by the artist to depict both the youthfulness of the boy David, together with the power of the hero about to conquer the giant Goliath.
10.The surrealist painter Magritte often used distortion of proportion to create striking effects.

1.Barney is a film worker and performer on cremasters film for seven years.
2.He works with stuff that are attracting to him.
3.They turn horses to sort of a zombie. 
4. They use costumes for horses and other things and also humans.
5.They take a long time to do their make up. Hours, Depending on the detail.
6.What is physicality?
7.  I think what they do is kind of werid. Even though its independent artwork.
8. It's cool, but i think its to much. It kinda looks scary from the way they do that to the horses and people.
9. He challenges us to see something else in a different way.
10. I think he uses horror so they people who watch what he is doing are like, This is different. It isn't like 

1.Balance is a concept of a visual equilibrium, & relates to our physical sense of balance.
2. Symmetrical balance can be described as have equal "weight" on equal sides of a centurally placed fullrum.
3.Thers a balance called approximate symmetry.
4.A symmetrical balance is also called a informal balance.
5. Unequal weights can be balanced by shifting the fulcrum point on a imaginary scale.
6. Balance is the arrangement of the objects in a given design as it relates to their visual weight within composition.
7. Symmetrical balance occurs when then weight of composition is evenly distributed sround a central veritical or horizontal axis.
8. Symmetric occurs with similar, but not identical forms its called approximare symmetry.
9.There is a dominate form that is offset of many smaller forms.
10.There is Horizontal symmetry, Approximate horizontal symmetry, radial symetry, & Asymmetry.
1.Pattern is an underlying structure that organizes surfaces or structures in a consistent, regular manner.
5.THEY CAN BE SEEN  from the scale of galaxies on the opening 'fiddlehead' buds of ferns, to the forms of microscopic animals.
6.packing and cracking is the way in which compacted cells define eacho thers shape.
7. Branching is a form of pattwering in the plant world, but can also be seen in geological formations such as river deltas and certain cyrstalline formations.
8.Flow can be seen in water, stone and the growth of trees.
9. there are many different patterns you can use.
10. Patterns are different shapes and different ways to put them in paintings, drawings, etc.
1.Some artist do their art based on religion.
2.Art can be really realistical.
3.A lot of art work takes alot of years of practice.
4. Some artist do their art based on personal life or memories.
5.She uses the religion of hindu and muslim together to make different paintings.
6.She uses tissue paper to paint her ideas and hangs them up on her walls of her house.
7. Minature painting could take lots of years to do.
8.Her artwork was very creative. 
9. she does large scale painting.
10. She does installation and Minature painting.
1. Value is a very important in Art.
2. In drawing or paintings they are value.
3.Values can be used to create the illusion of spacr as well.
4. Art work is flat like in a two dimensional surface as in a painting in order to create a 3-d drawing.
5. Value is in light to dark.
6. There is highlight, light shadow, core of the shadow, reflected light, and cast shadow.
7. To build up shadow use the hatching to slowly build it up darker.
8.The highlight is the brightest spot of the object where the light strikes the surface with greatest intensity. The light is the area that represents the surface of the object that is in the path of the light rays. The shadow is the darkest part that is the furthesr away from the light.
9.Reflected light. Light rays as billard balls. when they strike a  surface they bounce away in a angle.
10.The cast shadow is a very important part of value pattern since it creates an illusion that the ball is solid object that has gotten in the way of light casting a shadow on a table or a flat surface. The detail creates convincing illusions that the object is 3 dimensional.
1.In 1985 Art work was classy.
2.Paintings are particular and powerful.
3.Reclaim the image of lifeness of power.
4.Art isn't incompabiltable.
5.People chose the home stage and theme.
6.He makes pictures for other people to be amazed.
7.He loved to look at his teachers scrapbook of images of magazines and other things.
8.the stages of drawing is how it ends up.
9.He looks at other Art work to get ideas.
10.He draws comics. 
11.Art is everything you know or done.
12.She is a landscape architecture. Designs or makes buildings, freeways, or lanscapes.
13.Natural geelogy and earth formations.
14.Her outside art work takes her time.
15.She has done the Vietnam memorial.
16.She is thinking of making a park for kids.
17.A soon as she finishes the kids would be able to play on her landscape.
18. She is creative with her work.
19. How does she do the buildings like how does she know all this stuff.
20. She does sculptures for parks.
21. "I am not what i am. I am what my hands do."-Louis
22.People dont have to know how beautiful her artwork is.
23. She does hand sculptures.
24. All her artwork is based on the same subject.
25. Jane Adams got woman to be useful.
26. Louis's mother had told her "You'll never use a needle."
27. The use plaster to make the hand sculptures.
28. SHe puts emotion and expression to her art work.
29.Her artwork is from pictures of people's hands.
30.Her artwork is different form other artist that i have heard of.
1. Texture is tactile, that is, it appeals to our sense much of touch.
2.This element creates real texturee to simulate our tactile nature.
3.In texture you use values from light to daark to show texture.
4.Sculptures use textuure to show thingss such as hair.
5.Texture is a powerful art element because it can quickly evoke memories and emotions.
6.You can create texture with paper and pencil.
7. You can use the eraser to create highlights.
8.You have to know the values to create a texture.
9.working form light to dark is a technique.
10.All textures can be broken down into their value and shape.

1. We move through space.
2. Point of views of perspective.
3. Scale is in art.
4. Makes you concentrate on the elastisticity of the metal even though you don't move. 
5. They can become weightless.
6. Richard Scerra does sculptures of  metal. 
7. The way he does his sculptures is he just imagines it and draws it and makes it.
8. Sculptures can look small or huge or whatever kind of size.
9.Can be handmade.
10. They confuse tagging to graffitti.
11. Graffitti isn't vandalism its a way to express yourself.
12. The lines don't need to be straight it can curve and could be different.
13. People draw on trains and express themselfs and some don't even know why they are drawing on trains.
14. Graffitti can be a way to express yourself on the streets. 
15. People who do graffiti and draw different things on the walls, trains or even billboards do it so people can be shocked.
16. You forget about the world around you and don't even know what you are doing.
17. Street are is different then to art thats on paper.
18. You can do art differently. 
19. Art isn't only on wall its either on paper walls canvas or with objects.
20. The human body is art.
21. Being an artist isn't an option its a challenge.
22. Doing art isn't an alternative.
23. He multi tasked.
24. Latino communtiy has betryaed to one that is really possive. Has a yellow ribbon to not allow people in.
25. You need to reflect and confront yourself.
26.  He uses to sculptures to show people about his race.
27. Artwork can have different types of reaction towards people.
28. Provoke change not just socially but phsically.
29. He uses contemparary art.
30. The idea of the new century is a renewual. 
1. Space is a place.
2.Space can be two dimensional or three dimensional.
3. It can either be  a negative or positive.
4.Instalation art they take up space with objects, colors.
5.Enviromental art takes up space to impress.
6.You can create an illusion of space using size and difference.
7. They use placement of objects also create an illusion of space.
8.They also use overlapping two or more objects.
9.Another trick they use to create space they use colors hot and cool. 
10. Another element of art that they use to creat space is lines of perspectives.