1. We move through space.
2. Point of views of perspective.
3. Scale is in art.
4. Makes you concentrate on the elastisticity of the metal even though you don't move. 
5. They can become weightless.
6. Richard Scerra does sculptures of  metal. 
7. The way he does his sculptures is he just imagines it and draws it and makes it.
8. Sculptures can look small or huge or whatever kind of size.
9.Can be handmade.
10. They confuse tagging to graffitti.
11. Graffitti isn't vandalism its a way to express yourself.
12. The lines don't need to be straight it can curve and could be different.
13. People draw on trains and express themselfs and some don't even know why they are drawing on trains.
14. Graffitti can be a way to express yourself on the streets. 
15. People who do graffiti and draw different things on the walls, trains or even billboards do it so people can be shocked.
16. You forget about the world around you and don't even know what you are doing.
17. Street are is different then to art thats on paper.
18. You can do art differently. 
19. Art isn't only on wall its either on paper walls canvas or with objects.
20. The human body is art.
21. Being an artist isn't an option its a challenge.
22. Doing art isn't an alternative.
23. He multi tasked.
24. Latino communtiy has betryaed to one that is really possive. Has a yellow ribbon to not allow people in.
25. You need to reflect and confront yourself.
26.  He uses to sculptures to show people about his race.
27. Artwork can have different types of reaction towards people.
28. Provoke change not just socially but phsically.
29. He uses contemparary art.
30. The idea of the new century is a renewual. 

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