1.Balance is a concept of a visual equilibrium, & relates to our physical sense of balance.
2. Symmetrical balance can be described as have equal "weight" on equal sides of a centurally placed fullrum.
3.Thers a balance called approximate symmetry.
4.A symmetrical balance is also called a informal balance.
5. Unequal weights can be balanced by shifting the fulcrum point on a imaginary scale.
6. Balance is the arrangement of the objects in a given design as it relates to their visual weight within composition.
7. Symmetrical balance occurs when then weight of composition is evenly distributed sround a central veritical or horizontal axis.
8. Symmetric occurs with similar, but not identical forms its called approximare symmetry.
9.There is a dominate form that is offset of many smaller forms.
10.There is Horizontal symmetry, Approximate horizontal symmetry, radial symetry, & Asymmetry.

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