1. Proportion refers to the relative size and scale of the various elements in a design. 
2. The relationship between objects, or parts, of whole.
3. The proportions of a private home are usually more in the scale with human measure, and as a result it appears more friendly, comfortable, less intimidating.
4.A surprising aspect of proportion can vary for the human body itself.
5. In the 17th century and many other periods, the ideal body was much heavier than we would accept today.
6. In the last 35 years, the ideal personified by the fashion model has fostered a standard which idealizes exceptionally slender proportions for a women.
7.Begginning  with the rise of televised football in the 1960's and the subsequent fitness boom, an increasingly exaggerated  muscular silhouette,, corresponding to that of the uniformed,padded football player was presented as the ultimate male form. 
8. In addition, artist frequently take liberties with the natural proportions of the human body to achieve their expressive goals.
9.Michaelangelo David, in which distortions of proportion are used by the artist to depict both the youthfulness of the boy David, together with the power of the hero about to conquer the giant Goliath.
10.The surrealist painter Magritte often used distortion of proportion to create striking effects.

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